INFORMATION CENTER: Science Explains 10 Ways to Stop A Panic Attack Be…: For those that suffer from panic attacks, they can be a terrible thing. Often, they are misunderstood, and those that suffer from pani…

For those that suffer from panic attacks, they can be a terrible thing. Often, they are misunderstood, and those that suffer from panic attacks are often accused of just being dramatic. This is far from the case though, panic attacks are far from pleasant experiences and to those in the grips of one, they are a very real thing.
Panic attacks are a physical response as a result of a perceived threat, real or otherwise, that is characterized by such symptoms as sweating, shivering, shallow breathing, a racing heart, shaking, and just overall unpleasant feelings. Try to remember how you felt the last time you had a near miss while driving; hydroplaning on a wet road, or nearly colliding with another driver. That feeling you likely experienced, the rush of adrenaline, and the fear is what it feels like to be in the midst of a panic attack.
Some time or another, everyone is likely to experience a panic attack at some point in their lives. Whether it be due to an actual dangerous situation or threat, or just from an extremely stressful situation. If you find yourself getting panic attacks regularly for no real reason, and it ends up negatively affecting your life then you may, unfortunately, have a panic disorder.
To help you get through life uninhibited by panic attacks, continue reading for 10 ways to stop your panic attacks before they get out of control:
Who wouldn’t want a nice massage every time things got a bit stressful or you were feeling nervous? Research has found that a massage provides real benefits and can shift a person’s biochemistry. According to one study, cortisol levels were able to be significantly reduced while dopamine and serotonin were increased dramatically as a result of massage therapy!
If you find yourself in a situation where a panic attack might occur, consider self-massage in the form of a nice scalp massage. Scalp massages reduce the tension you feel in your neck and at the back of your head andprovidingd increased blood flow to the brain. With a little reading and some practice, giving yourself a scalp massage is easy!
Nearly every technique used to relieve stress and induce relaxation incorporates deep breathing in some fashion or another. It’s amazing how something as basic as slow controlled breathing could have such a calming effect on our whole nervous system!
Some stress relieving techniques that incorporate deep breathing include resistance breathing, breath moving, and coherent breathing, all of which work by stimulating our vagus nerve which provides relief due to the release of hormones and enzymes such as prolactin, acetylcholine, oxytocin, and vasopressin.
If you find yourself in the heat of the moment and think a panic attack may come on, don’t worry about stick to the above techniques to a T; just try to simply take slow, full, lung-filling breaths. Hold it in for a few seconds and then, just as slowly, exhale. You’ll likely notice relief pretty quickly!
Shaking is a natural response of most animals after they’ve escaped from a dangerous situation, though seems to have been lost on us humans due to the decrease in environmental risks we face. The next time you’re feeling a bit nervous, try to shake about a little bit and you’ll likely find the tension start to easy and as a result, you’ll likely overcome panic attack!
Binaural beats are a type of technology that can have profound effects on your ability to control pain and also your mood. Utilizing low-frequency tones, binaural beats have been shown to significantly reduce anxiety in those prone to it and may even alleviate symptoms of children suffering from ADHD!
Consider downloading a few binaural beats, or even just some ocean sounds to your phone so if you find yourself in a situation conducive to a panic attack, you can try to relax and let the sounds calm your mind. Try to really focus on the sounds and imagine yourself in a nice safe place. You’ll likely feel much better after a few minutes of this.
This technique is a lot more appealing for most, I’m sure, and will likely be hard to pass up once you find it works for you! By consuming dark chocolate with 85 percent or more cocoa content, you’ll enjoy an infusion of magnesium in your system. Magnesium has a profound calming effect and chocolate is one of the best sources of this miracle mineral.
Besides containing magnesium in significant amounts, dark chocolate also contains theobromine, which also helps better your mood, and tryptophan, which is an amino acid that is a precursor to the hormone serotonin.
Try carrying around a couple squares of dark chocolate with you and the next time you feel like a panic attack might come on, try eating a few. You’ll likely find the panic passes without an attack and you’ll also have the added benefit of a tasty treat!
A splash of cold water to the face offers a jarring change of perspective! Studies have found that the parasympathetic system is stimulated by the cold-water immersion of one’s face. As a result, physiological changes occur that stimulate the vagus nerve, significantly reducing our heart rate, and also activating our immune and digestive systems. Splashing water on your face works extremely well at stimulating the vagus nerve due to the area behind our eyes being especially responsive.
Science Explains 10 Ways to Stop A Panic Attack Before It Happens
Source – powerofpositivity
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