I have heard many fathers saying to the husband of their daughter and his family-
“Now our daughter is yours, keep her as you want to. She is yours.”
My daughter is still my daughter.
Just like your son married for companionship, so did my daughter.
Just like you want my daughter to do things for you, I want my son-in-law to do things for me.
Just like you expect my daughter to do things for your son, I expect the same from your son.
This is how I want my daughter to be kept.
You cant keep my daughter in any condition. And I will watch over her.
(i) She shouldn’t have to cry for her husband’s time. My daughter is becoming an inseparable part of your life. I am not stopping her to give all her time to your son. Same way, no one should come between your son’s time and her.
She shouldn’t wait and cry in a corner for your time & attention. No one should make her feel guilty for being your companion. She shouldn’t feel lonely even when she has you. She shouldn’t be ignored as an outsider even though she is your better half.
(ii) Don’t make her feel ashamed of who she is!
She laughs. She is straight forward. She is independent. I have given her those values much as your son has. Don’t make her ashamed or guilty of her values. She is changing a home, she is not changing a life. She has every right to laugh the loudest. She has every right to speak her mind in her new home. She is not going to be treated any less than the son. She will not be living a life that is not her!
(iii) Don’t think she is on her own.
Gone are the days when daughters were helpless after marriage. First, I have raised her with independence, but when it comes to emotional relationships, she has her home, she has me. Please take care of her as a family member, that’s what she is. Don’t isolate, insult or make her feel like no one cares for her. My home, my heart, my life is open for her. she is not on her own.
My daughter is the most precious person. Ever since the day she was born, she has made my home festive, happy and joyous.
She will do all of this for you Son. But for that respect her all her life the way I have done. Don’t let her cry. The whole world cries if she is in tears.
Source – IWill