Eliminating TB not easy

With an estimated 28 lakh patients suffering from tuberculosis in India, tackling the disease is not an easy feat. The government plans to eradicate TB by 2025. But given the burden and challenges at the ground level, experts state that it will require active participation in terms of notifying the cases, following up and also ensuring that the treatment is completed. Multi-drug resistant tuberculosis is another burden that is rising, which adds to the growing problem of TB, explains Dr Sandeep Raj Barma, senior pulmonologist.
The government has declared that TB will be completely eliminated by 2025. Is the government realistic in this venture or will it be a Herculean task?
The national strategic plan for tuberculosis elimination is very ambitious given the statistics and burden of tuberculosis in India. This will require both public and private sector healthcare systems to work together. Firstly, they need to detect all drug sensitive and drug resistant cases, make treatment and medications available, financially supporting the cost of treatment, and develop awareness programmes both for the general public and healthcare professionals.
Source – Deccan chronicle
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