Ayurveda says that drinking water from a copper vessel balances the three doshas in your body, namely vata, kaphaand pitta. The water stored in a copper vessel is known as Tamara jal and is supposed to be stored for eight hours before consumption.
There is a reason why your elders used to store water in a copper vessel and drink from that. It was not just an old-school practice; it was an Ayurvedic ritual which had numerous health benefits to offer. Ayurveda says that drinking water from a copper vessel balances the three doshas in your body, namely vata, kapha and pitta. The water stored in a copper vessel is known as Tamara jal and is supposed to be stored for eight hours before consumption. The reason why water is stored for so long is the fact that copper takes time to leach into water. It lends water all its beneficial properties. And the best part is that water stored in this vessel does not go bad easily. It can be stored for days and water in the copper vessel will not go stale.
Here are 7 major health benefits of drinking water from a copper vessel:
1. Boosts digestive health
Be it acidity, gas or any other form of digestive distress, water stored in the copper vessel can come to your rescue. It has the ability of stimulating peristalsis, a form of contraction in the stomach muscles which eases digestion and allows food to move easily through your digestive tract. It kills harmful bacteria within the stomach, reduces inflammation and is a great remedy for peptic ulcers. Drinking water from a copper vessel cleanses your stomach, enhances the function of the kidneys and liver and ensures proper absorption of nutrients in the body. Ayurveda says that these benefits can be obtained by drinking one glass of water from a copper vessel on an empty stomach every morning.
2. Weight loss
Drinking water from a copper vessel detoxifies your body from all the free radicals around. Besides this, it also helps you absorb all nutrients from your food in a better way. It aids your digestive system to work properly and helps your body breakdown fat more easily. This way, excessive fat is removed from your body and does not add on to your body weight. Over time, this induces weight loss.
3. Heals wounds faster
Anti-bacterial, anti-viral and anti-inflammatory properties of copper, when ingested in a glass of water can help you heal wounds much faster. It works by strengthening your immune system in the first place. It boosts the production of new cells in the body which is essential for healing wounds, both internal and external.
4. Slows down ageing
One of the most important causes of ageing is oxidative stress due to free radicals. The anti-oxidant and immune-boosting properties of copper helps you fight the negative effects of free radicals on your body. It prevents the formation of fine lines and boosts the production of new, healthy cells in the body. These properties of copper are a sure-shot way of fighting early signs of ageing.
5. Regulates the functioning of the thyroid gland
An underactive thyroid or an overactive thyroid gland can mess with your health in a number of ways. And sadly, once thyroid problems affect you, there is no looking back. One of the root causes of thyroid diseases is a copper deficiency in the body. This is one of the most important trace minerals required for the proper functioning of the thyroid gland. Hence, when your body falls deficient, your thyroid gland starts to function abnormally. The best way to prevent it in the first place is by drinking water from a copper vessel.
6. Beats anemia
Copper is required for the normal functioning of a number of processes in your body. From boosting new-cell production to better absorption of iron, copper is needed everywhere. When your body falls short of copper, it fails to absorb iron properly. This results in anemia. Therefore, to keep anemia at bay, you need to keep iron levels in check and drinking water from a copper vessel can help with that.
7. Beats arthritis
Inflammation of the joints is one of the most important causes of arthritis and rheumatoid arthritis. The anti-inflammatory properties of copper can be helpful for treating joint pains and inflammation. It has immune-strengthening and bone-strengthening properties which makes it the perfect natural remedy for arthritis.
Source – NDTV