Beauty benefits of eggs

Eggs are not only delicious to eat but they are also a magical beauty ingredient. Eggs are indeed a wonderful beauty product for the enhancement of your beauty.

From now on, simply stop spending yourmoney on expensive beauty products. Learn how to be beautiful by using natural beauty ingredients which are cheap and effective.

Eggs are an effective natural treatment for various Hair and SkinProblems. Learn how to use eggs in your daily beauty routine. Here are the most common beauty benefits of eggs.

Oily Hair

Before washing your hair, make it a point to apply egg white thoroughly onto your hair. Leave it on for 20 minutes, and then shampoo your hair as usual. Finish off with a lemon rinse. To make the lemon rinse, take a juice of one lemon and mix it with a little amount of water. Put this lemon rinse on your hair and then simply wash off with lukewarm water.

Dry Hair
To treat dry hair, take half a cup of Fullers’ Earth and mix it with two tablespoons of oil and with the yolk of an egg. Mix all the ingredients to make a smooth paste. Apply this mix all over your scalp. Leave it on for about 20 to 30 minutes and then shampoo as usual.

Alternatively you can use an egg mixed with a cup of skimmed milk. Apply the egg and milk mix, when the foam develops to be consistent. Rub it onto the entire scalp gently and leave it on for five to ten minutes. Rinse your hair thoroughly with lukewarm water and shampoo.

Add body to your hair and get natural shine

Beat one whole egg with the juice of one lemon thoroughly. Apply on your hair all over and leave it on for at least half an hour. Then shampoo as usual and you will be amazed to see instant results. The protein in the egg coats each hair streak adding body and thickness to your hair. Most of all your hair will become soft and will get an instant natural shine.
Natural Conditioner

Make a natural conditioner from various ingredients from your kitchen. Take an egg yolk, one tablespoon of honey, one teaspoon of almond oil and one tablespoon of yoghurt. Mix all these magic ingredients and apply this mix on the hair. Keep it on for 25 to 30 minutes and then wash your hair as usual.

Tighten and Tone the Skin

Egg white is an amazing beauty ingredient for tightening and toning the skin. Take egg white and whip it up till you get the foam. Apply it all over your face and neck and let it dry. In the end simply wash with lukewarm water. The results are instant; you will feel the difference just in oneapplication.

Cure Blemishes and Glowing Skin

Prepare a facial mask by using natural ingredients. Mix an egg, with a teaspoon of honey and a teaspoon of olive oil. Apply this mixture on your face and neck thoroughly and leave it on for 10 to 12 minutes. In the end wash it off with lukewarm water. This natural facial homemade mask will help to cure blemishes and will also give an instant glow and tightening look to your skin.

By now you are highly knowledgeable with the amazing beauty benefits of eggs. So what are you waiting for? Go try these eggy beauty tips right now!

Source – expertscolumn
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