Achievement of Food Safety and Standards Authority of India during 2008-2012

With the objective to consolidate the laws relating to food and for laying down science based standards for articles of food, the Food Safety and Standards Act was enacted and the Food Safety and Standards Authority of India (FSSAI) was established in 2008.

The following FSS Regulations have been notified in 2011.
The enactments and orders mentioned in the Second Schedule of the Act (including the Prevention of Food Adulteration Act) and the Milk and Milk Products Regulations, 1992 have been repealed w.e.f. 5.8.2011. FSS Act has been made operational from 5.8.2011. The food regulatory framework has now moved from limited prevention of food adulteration regime to safe and wholesome food regime.
Operationalizing the Enforcement structure at the Centre and State level:
All the States have operationalized the FSS (Licensing and Registration of Food businesses) Regulations, 2011. About 2,77,801 licenses and 8,60,119 registrations have been issued by the State Governments till date.At the Central level, 9,348 licenses have been issued till 11.3.2013.
Initiatives taken by FSSAI for fixing of standards of food articles:
1. Draft standards for caffeinated beverages have been formulated and are under notification for seeking public comments. 
2. Draft notification for fixation of limit of Trans Fatty Acid in partially Hydrogenated Vegetable Oil, has been notified for seeking public comments.
3. Draft notification for fixing standards for Antibiotics in Honey, has been notified for seeking public comments.
4. Draft standards for Olive Oil have been notified for seeking public comments.
5. Regulations of Alcoholic Drink- Alcoholic Drink has been defined as Food under Food Safety and Standards Act 2006 and the process of framing standards and regulation thereof has begun. After following the prescribed process of Standards setting, the same would be brought to the Food Authority for discussions.
6. Draft regulations of Imported Food safety have been framed.
Surveillance of Food and Food Borne Diseases:
Surveillance action has been initiated on milk and iodized salt. The report of milk survey conducted by FSSAI has been released. FSSAI has also commissioned a nation–wide survey of schools to finalise guidelines regarding serving of food in the schools.
Framework on Food Safety Management System (FSMS):
Framework of FSMS has been finalized.
Harmonisation of Standards with Codex and other international standards:
FSSAI has begun the exercise of harmonizing the standards for the various food items.
Constitution of the Scientific Committee and eight Scientific Panels:
FSSAI has constituted and apex Scientific Committee to provide scientific opinion to the Authority on wide range of subjects that are within the mandate of the Authority. The Scientific Panels on Functional Foods, Food Additives, Method of Sampling and Analysis, Biological Hazards, Contaminants in Food, Pesticides and antibiotic residues, Genetically modified organisms and food and Labelling, claims/advertisements have been formed.
Food Import Clearance System (FICS):
Implementation of IT enabled Imported Food monitoring system at major entry points in the country i.e. Food Import Clearance System (FICS) has become operational at select ports of Chennai, Delhi, Kolkata and Mumbai including airports and importers are getting the food items tested, cleared using the IT enabled system.
Source – PIB
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