A millennial is an amalgamation of a lot of things. They are independent, confident and as we may call them, the boomer generation.
They have the potential to achieve whatever they aspire because they believe in themselves. However, dig a little deeper and you’ll observe another common ground they share and it is nothing but the fear of getting married.

So we asked the reason behind their fear and we must say, the answers were surprising.

1. “I think I understand love because I’ve given myself plenty of chances. And I don’t think getting married really makes a difference. Love is more important.”

2. “I feel that I’ll leave so many things behind if I get married. There is so much I have planned for myself. The idea of marriage only pulls me own.”

3. “A lot of my friends are against the concept of marriage and we keep discussing its repercussions. It leaves us with nothing but fear.”

4. “It’s kind of alien to me. Being with one person for the rest of your life? What if he or she is not the one?”

Source – India Times

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