You probably know the feeling – enjoying a delicious meal before going to bed, yet not being able to sleep due to unbearable heartburn, indigestion, or acid reflux. In fact, 60% of the adult population in the U.S. will experience gastroesophageal reflux disease (GERD) within a 12 month period and 20 to 30% will have weekly symptoms. While many medications on the market can treat digestion issues, you can get the same results naturally with a certain concoction that we will share with you today.

Of course, avoiding the types of foods and drinks that cause indigestion and other stomach problems is ideal, but we all like to enjoy and indulge in a delicious meal every once in a while. According to Jackson Siegelbaum Gastroenterology, people with GERD should avoid the following foods, drinks, and lifestyle habits:

tobacco and nicotine products
chewing gum and hard candy (these increase the amount of air swallowed, which leads to belching and acid reflux)
late night snacks and lying down directly after eating
tight clothing and bending over after eating
large meals throughout the day (eat smaller meals for better digestion)
carrying extra weight (being overweight increases the likelihood of experiencing GERD)
fatty or fried foods
creamed veggies or soups
fast foods
citrus fruits such as grapefruit, oranges, and pineapple
caffeinated soft drinks
spicy or acidic foods
processed meats
While this might seem like a lot to avoid, the key to following this lies in how often you consume these foods and drinks. Stick to a whole foods diet, preferably with as many fruits and vegetables as possible, and try to consume the foods listed above on occasion.

So, what if you eat one of your favorite meals one evening and experience terrible GERD before going to bed? Luckily, the following “golden milk” can alleviate your symptoms and have you feeling refreshed the following morning!

You’ll only need a few common ingredients to make this miracle drink: turmeric, ginger, coconut milk, honey, and black pepper. This drink improves digestion while alleviating symptoms associated with acid reflux.

All of the ingredients provide amazing health benefits, and when combined, the effects increase dramatically.

For example, here are some of the health benefits of turmeric:

Eases arthritis pain due to it’s anti-inflammatory properties
Helps to detoxify the liver
Boost blood circulation while also thinning the blood
Soothes the digestive tract and prevents ulcers
Reduces pain and fevers
Prevents and even reverses cancer, in some cases
Alleviates arthritis symptoms
Promotes brain and heart health
Coconut milk, another ingredient we’ll need for this drink, provides a healthy source of fat, and coats the esophagus to alleviate pain and discomfort from GERD.

Black pepper can enhance the turmeric’s bioavailability and absorption of curcumin, the main ingredient in turmeric.

Honey, used for centuries by many people for a variety of ailments, contains important amino acids, enzymes, minerals and vitamins that can help with digestion and ease the burning feeling associated with acid reflux.


– Two cups coconut milk

– One teaspoon turmeric

– One inch piece of sliced and fresh ginger root or one teaspoon ginger powder

– One-quarter teaspoon ground black pepper

– One tablespoon organic honey

Related article: Miracle Drink – NO PAIN In 1 Week (Joints, Legs, & Back)


Combine all ingredients except the honey in a bowl and mix together. Pour the mixture into a saucepan and heat until it comes to a boil. Reduce heat to low and allow it to cook for 5 minutes. Then, add the honey while the drink is warm, and enjoy before bed!

So, instead of reaching for pills or other conventional remedies for acid reflux, try making this easy drink before going to bed to alleviate your symptoms.

Nature provides all we need to thrive and heal from past lifestyle choices, and you probably already have most of the ingredients listed in your home anyway!

Drink this at least one hour before bed, so it has time to digest a bit before you fall asleep. Then, when you wake in the morning, you’ll feel rejuvenated and free of pain and discomfort!

Source – NDTV


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