Shaving even a minute off the time between the onset of a stroke and initial treatment may add to the amount of “healthy” days people have afterward, suggests a new study.
Researchers found that stroke patients gained about two days of healthy life for every minute spared between the onset of their stroke and when they first received treatment, on average.
“Every 15 minutes you wait, you lose a month of life,” Dr. Atte Meretoja told Reuters Health.
The exact ratio of saved treatment time to healthy days varied by patient, he and his team found.
Although it’s well known that early treatment for strokes is best, the new study helps highlight how significant even small delays can be, researchers said.
There is currently only one treatment approved by U.S. regulators for ischemic strokes, which are caused by blockages in blood vessels going to the brain. Usually, the blockage is a result of clotted blood or fatty deposits known as plaque.
For the new report, the researchers compiled data from two studies to find how time to treatment is related to how patients fare after a stroke.
The studies, from Finland and Australia, included 2,258 stroke patients.