Top best common preventive health care tips for women

Today women are suffering from various types of adverse health conditions which needs to be found out and treated at the right time. It is important to go ahead with the regular health checkup and tests to find out whether you are suffering from any disease. Sometimes a very small headache, stomach pain or dizziness can lead to serious health disorder. Some people are concerned about the cost of monthly checkup. But, you can also get rid of various deadly diseases if regular checkup is done. There are various health plans provided by the insurance companies along with some well known hospitals and health care organizations. There are some preventive healthcare tips which you need to find out.

Give the top priority to the health than the beauty. Health is more important than beauty. Healthy women contain the beauty with her. Being health makes you beauty. Below are the some of common health tips for the women.

Common preventive health tips for the women

Healthy HabitsSleep

Good sleep make healthier. Take proper sleep not less than 6- 7 hours. It will give the possible rest to all of the working organs in the body. Not sleep to much it will deposit the extra fat in the body.


Diet and good healthy are equally proportionate. If we take the good diet we can get the good health. If we neglect the diet then healthy id affected. So proper diet makes you healthy. Take the minerals, protein, multi vitamin rich food makes you healthy.


Mammograms are better to diagnosis the women Brest cancer. Brest cancer is also the common in the women. This is caused by genetics or the lifestyle. Women keep check there breasts for swelling, bumps, redness for every month. If observe any appearances go for the mammograms and consult doctor.


Women face the gynecology problems when they are within thirties. Visit the gynecologist for every two months make you healthier. If you are neglect to consult the gynecologist better to face the future problems.


Get away from the sun. This impacts the beauty problems to you. Use the sunscreens when you are going out.

Blood Pressure

Blood pressure is the common problem in men and women .Check the blood pressure for every six months. Result is positive then you suffering with blood pressure take the diet related to the blood pressure.


Cholesterol is another common health problem in women. The LDL’s in the blood are the bad cholesterol. Consume the vitamin A, Vitamin D, Vitamin E rich foods. Avoid the unsaturated fatty acid foods. Consult the cardiologist for every six months.

Hormone Therapy

Many of the modern women face the hormone deficiency. The post menopause stage is better to diagnosis for the hormone deficiency. Use the hormone supplements available in the market.

Preventive healthcare tips for women

Colon cancer

The cases in medical science have brought out spread of colon cancer among various ladies of the age group crossing 50 years of age. This is one of the deadly diseases in the society that leads to death not only in India but also abroad. If you have any one in your family who had suffered from colon cancer, you need to be really cautious as this can be inherited by you. There are various tests conducted in hospitals which can easily detect colon cancer. If this can be found out in the preliminary stage, chance of survival can be noticed. Cancer screening should be done in every 1 year.


With age, every person gets their immunity level reduced. In case of ladies, it becomes higher. You will get variety of vaccination that will increase your immunity level. As your immunity level decreases, you can get attack from flu. It is important to take immunization vaccine that helps in reducing flue. With age, the diseases like Pneumonia can also take place in women. Thus, a lady crossing 65 years of age must take Pneumonia vaccine. Even shingle vaccine must be provided to all those ladies who cross 60 years of age.

Blood test for diabetes

Blood test is mandatory as this can bring out various diseases if the lady is really suffering from. Today, diabetes has become a common problem for many individuals. High level of sugar in blood can give rise to variety of complications. Individual with high sugar level can become absolutely blind. Also the patient suffering from high blood sugar can suffer from kidney disease. You must test your blood on a regular basis to check whether your blood pressure level has come to control or not.


Depression is a mental condition viewed in many adults today. Even the women are not exception to this. Women also suffer from depression due to variety of reasons. If you are suffering from some of the chronic illness, depressing mind can be one of the biggest fact you are suffering from. People can also get depressed due to some psychological reasons. Loneliness and disheartens can be the factors behind depression. Ladies with age also suffers from depression but not all ladies with age have such problem. You need to visit a counselor or a psychiatrist to bring down your depression forever. Some questionnaires must be asked to solve to find out the reason behind depression.

Heart disease

Medical science is getting more patients suffering from heart disease. Minor heart attack can be withstood through medicines but major attack can also lead to fatalities. There are various reasons behind heart problem one of the important factors is changes in lifestyle. If you are having excessive amount of fast food and oily variety of food, this probably will be a reason behind your heart disease. The death case due to heart attack is increasing every day. It is important to go ahead with regular heart check up and consume a healthy diet as directed by your dietician.

Slash healthcare pills

People are now living on medicines. They are afraid to do anything or consuming any food due to heath problem. A nominal diet with right amount of all nutrients and fat will be ideal. It is better to avoid too much of tonics and medicines and avail some natural ways to stay healthy and fit. Vegetables and herbs available in nature will provide you with the right amount of everything you need to stay healthy.

Healthy habits make you healthier. Avoid the bad habits like smoking, drinking, consuming drugs etc. taking the good food and daily 2 time bath etc make you healthier. The healthy habits include wear the comfortable clothes, avoid the high heels, maintain stress free life etc.


Exercise is good for everyone. But women need it necessarily. These exercises make them fit in the modern life. These exercises increase the stamina of women and maintain the family well. These exercises prevent women from obesity, joint pains, stress etc.

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