Summer calls for a lot of care for a lot of things – your skin, your eyes, your health. So we should always be summer smart
Summer calls for a lot of care for a lot of things – your skin, your eyes, your health. Dehydration is a real concern and should be prevented, but so is bad and washed out skin, sweat, and pollution. And we don’t always have access to a washroom or a powder room, but what we do have access to is our bag and our purses. So we should we summer smartand carry a certain number of essentials with us wherever we go.
Here is what you should always keep with you during these hot days.
A hand sanitiser
In summer, it becomes essentials to be germ free, what with all the sweaty, dirty surfaces that we come in contact with during our day. Micro organisms thrive in warm weather and make everyone more prone to falling ill. Therefore it is essential that we carry a small bottle of hand sanitiser where ever we go.
Perfume or deodorant
I think we can all agree that by the time we reach work these days, it feels like we all need another shower. So to atleast get a semblance of freshness, we should carry an antiperspirant, a deodorant or a miniature perfume.
Shades and scarves
Your eyes and skin need external, and fashionable form of protection from the sun as well. Which is why carrying head scarves and glares becomes essential. Buy shades that block UV rays and you are good to go.
Redundant to be said but just as important; make sure you always have a small supply of H2O wherever you go in the summer. God forbid you end up in a place where you can’t find any drinkable water.
Not just the harmful rays of the sun, skin blotchiness and discolouration can also be avoided with the right SPF sunscreen (30) you can protect your skin loads.
Source – NDTV

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